Most Underrated Skill in 2024: Emotional Resilience

6 min readMar 21, 2024


Self-development tutorials on podcasts, YouTube, and Instagram are flooded. Most viewed and shared topics in personal growth are physical health development: Muscle building, Fat Loss; skills and growth in finances, grooming, etc. However, Emotional intelligence: reflexes, and skills are comparatively less popular. Interestingly building a top 10% healthy body, becoming a top 10% wealthy person, or living and breathing in intensely connected, loving, and peaceful relationships require a stable emotional well-being.

One of the most underrated skill in 2024 is emotional resilience

If you want to live a completely mindful and content daily life. Day in with an energetic, grateful, purposeful start, and day out with pride, peace, and satisfaction is the goal to accomplish-

Let’s learn and apply some steps to gain more control over happiness and contentment in your personal, professional, and intrapersonal life.

What is Emotional Resilience and Intelligence?

Definitively, Emotional Resilience is the ability or skill to withstand and recover from stress, all negative emotions, and adversity. The more emotional resilience the faster one recovers from emotional pains. 4 Key kind of resilience are seen in humans: Mental Resilience, Physical Resilience, Emotional Resilience, and Social Resilience. We are discussing Emotional Resilence in this article.

Emotional Intelligence covers broader domains including Regulation and Resilience. Managing, and sharing personal emotions, including receiving and understanding emotions are core strengths of an emotionally intelligent individual.

Self-awareness, self-esteem, emotional regulation, empathy, and social skills are different areas of this intelligence in humans.

Benefits of Building Emotional Resilience

Very few people get enough education for managing and controlling emotional responses. Because the narrative of our educational culture is building hard skills as well as money-career-building skills. In 2024, learning hard skills is more popular than building soft skills such as Emotional Intelligence.

The significance of emotional well-being and skills oriented around EQ is found in every domain of human lifestyle. Human culture and life is mainly sub-divided into 3 domains:




Benefits of personal growth is overcoming negative emotions and reestablishing feeling of gratitude and joyfulness
Benefits of avoiding negative emotions

Let’s See how developing emotional resilience is beneficial to gain accomplishments in all divisions of health, every level of money, wealth creation, and in every kind of relationship.

Emotional Resilience in Health

To live a day with happiness, contentment, gratitude, and peace of mind, a person requires maintenance of healthy and well-functioned physical, mental, emotional, and Spiritual health. The chemical, and hormonal circulations in a human body decide the mood, and feelings within a person.

Almost every person is dealing with personal setbacks, failures, and negative feelings like frustration, anger, regret, guilt, vigilance, trauma, sadness, depression, anxiety, overwhelmingness, envy, and jealousy. Negative feelings are nothing but the sefl-hurting feeling that resists a person's joyfulness, and progress in every area of life. Now, as a human being, if you experience some of the feelings in 24 Hr to 48 Hr circle and repeat after weeks after month, you are not going to live a healthy life.

It’s a fact-

  • According to better, Anger causes heart attacks, insomnia (Sleep disease), depression, anxiety, etc.
  • According to, high frustration is a symptom of disease called, Intermittent Explosive Disorder.
  • According to WebMD, Guilt increases mental illnesses like depression and OCD. It is a recurring event uncontrollable self-hurting, negative thoughts.
  • According to Weforum, Regret causes a longing feeling of stuckness, anxiety, and depression and increases other negative emotions.
  • says trauma increases illness in chronic physical health and behavioral health.
  • According to Pubmed, Vandalism criminal behavior, interpersonal conflicts, and low self-esteem is triggered by Envy.
  • Similarly, Jealousy triggers mental illnesses like obsessive-compulsive disorder, anxiety-based the author Sarah Sheppard by

It seems we all deal with these emotions every single day. The question is — Are we all ill and unwell? Are we suffering from mental diseases from childhood? Not at all.

These symptoms are extreme the worst-case scenarios of a human life. Suffering from early mentioned negative emotions frequently for a long period of time might cause severe health issues, and require medications.

Furthermore, emotions are not feelings only but the regulator of hormones and heartbeats. A basic biology is the body sends signals to the brain and the brain sends signals as a form of reflex correspondingly.

Most often, human beings keep, and regulate the records of exact same emotions in their body and mind even after passing the event behind years or decades.

Sustability of emotional pain of A soccer player, david Beckham emotional for 22+ years.
David Beckham is a successful and one of the famous football player. At the 1998 World Cup, Beckham received a red card. 22+ Years later in a Netflix documentary, Beckham confessed emotional pains and sadness related to that particular event.

It prevents them from becoming the best version of themselves. The skill to gain emotional control over highly negative feelings is emotional regulation.

-What is the worth of having an aesthetic 6-pack- body if you are highly miserable?

-What is the value of a high IQ if you can’t even make yourself deeply joyfull

High emotional intelligence ensures the resilience to pull yourself back into the normal state of being in stress and negative feelings. In this state, you feel joyfulness and gratitude. Gratitude and joy give a sheer amount of mental and physical energy to act and move for more and better health and mindfulness. Hence, developing emotional resilience is similar to emotional flexibility to deal with emotional pains from daily life.

Emotional Resilience in Career, Skill, Money, and Overall Wealth

Getting an education, learning skills, building a career, and also acquiring enough financial resources, reflect a successful professional career. Now, as mentioned earlier, most educational courses online or offline teach hard skills like artificial intelligence, machine learning, designing, coding, finance, online marketing, trading, budgeting, etc.

Interestingly, we neglect the fact- everyone is selling. An employee sells to the superiors (AKA boss or high authorities) and organizations, companies, and sectors sell to other companies or direct customers. Selling is happening everywhere all over the world in every culture.

A sale is a successful transaction of beliefs and values using persuasion.

The most important part of sales, marketing is connected to one particular subject- Human Psychology. Without deep enough observations and understanding of the feelings and emotions of customers, sales is not possible.

  • A scientist understands the entire intent of mankind and works for it
  • A teacher is observing child psychology and offering the education
  • A police or government officers, ministers of states, and countries handle various social issues of the masses.
  • An engineer or inventor crafts the inventions and designs that people accept and satisfy
  • A businessman visualizes and runs advertisements to attract core customers with needs and emotions
  • An artist is constantly touching human emotions, and feelings by creating lessons and readability

Every profession requires a certain level of emotional intelligence to operate and progress.

Now, observing and understanding human emotion is a complex process. Every individual sends mixed reactions to a similar event. Ways of expressing needs and satisfaction are diverse. Hence, sales of skills, products, and qualities are not simple but complex. Hence, adversity, failure, and setbacks are natural to any career success. Dealing and recovering from adversity, and negative feedback: criticism, negative self-talk, stress, and other negative feelings is called Emotional Resilience.

Every successful person in any domain shows higher emotional resilience than average. There are no certifications for this soft skill. However, it seems worth acquiring.

Emotional Resilience in Building Personal, Family, Romantic, and Social Relationships

Relationships are a key factor in a person’s overall well-being. Intra-personal relations: relationship with own self; romantic relationship with corresponding partners, family relationship with children, parent, relatives; Social relationships with peers, office colleagues, business partners, online networks:

All these relationships contribute to a person's health and wealth.

However, the most important relationship is the relation with thyself (Your own self). If you don’t have enough self-awareness it is difficult to build other quality relationships.

An emotionally weak, and unskilled person is not capable of becoming a good parent, and a romantic partner. Lack of emotional strength and resilience declines growth in career as well as financial establishments.

Getting skilled at Emotional regulation, and becoming emotionally resilient helps become joyful and grateful against adversity. A grateful person does not hurt or behave selfishly towards his close ones. Moreover, regulations of emotions enhance the ability to work and progress in every domain of life.

Building emotional intelligence seems not a bad idea to live a progressive and content life.

We are building an educational series with frameworks for helping our community to develop “Emotional Resilience”. To get more information, and updates keep in touch with us.

Have a positively progressive day!




Written by Buyers-Value

Embrace and embed Personal Growth | Now Building "Emotional Resilience Journal"

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